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The Emperor's New Clothes

Lawrence Carr

    There once was a very misogynistic and ignorant tailor who traveled everywhere, and one day ended up at a bar, where he made many sexist and racist comments, verbally raped the waitresses, and manspreaded all over his seat. One of the womyn at that bar thought, “such vulgarity and oppression should not go unpunished,” and called the cops. Soon, a multi-racial and all-womyn team of cops hauled the white man out the bar and in front of the emperor.
    “Misogynist male, do you have anything to say before I throw you out of my safe-space kingdom?” the emperor said at the correct tone of voice. “A gender-fluid person such as yourself would be most accentuated by proper attire. I can create a politically correct robe for you, and it will be of such politically correct caliber that those who are misogynistic, sexist, racist, ableist, healthist, fat shaming cis scum will not be able to see it.” the misogynist spat. The emperor pondered for a moment. “Out of the sake of gender equality, I will accept your deal. Not because I wish to have better clothing than everyone else, but to recognize gender equality and to not undermine equality in the workplace.”
    And so the tailor locked himself up and seemingly started tailoring the most politically correct robe that the safe-space kingdom has ever seen. However, this misogynist approached the emperor with seemingly nothing in his hands. The emperor was shocked, they didn’t see anything. They knew that if they couldn’t see the robe that would mean they are the scum of gender equality, so the emperor pretended to see it. “Why, what a magnificently politically correct robe! I must set out to parade it. All of the advisers agreed that they didn’t see anything, but didn’t tell the emperor in fear of being seen as cis scum.
    And so when the emperor paraded down the streets, everyone cheered them on. “The emperor is fighting against slut-shaming!” and the tailor left the kingdom, disappointed that he was “rewarded” an equal wage as everyone else.
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